Friday, December 3, 2010


     I was in sixth grade attending Saint Bruno School when I broke the rules.  I had a good trusting relationship with not only my mom but my teacher as well.  I thought I was so cool that I was in Junior High and was considered as one of the “big” kids.  It was now time to attend the junior high school dances, have different teachers for different class subjects, and boys and girls were actually talking to each other rather than running away thinking the other had cooties.  It was the end of the second quarter when everything from good became bad.
    I had average grades in junior high in certain classes like History or English, but Math was a subject that didn’t come easy to me.  I struggled with something in every chapter and constantly had to ask for help.  Not only was it my hardest subject but the teacher who taught math was the eighth grade teacher, Ms. Running.  She has been the eighth grade teacher for many years now and everyone was scared of her.  She has the reputation for embarrassing you in front of the class and can call you out in anything.  She was a normal size older lady who always had her hair up in a bun everyday.  It was the same style through out the school year.  The only thing that changed was the different kind of bow clips that she placed next to the bun.  Now that I had her for almost two quarters now, she wasn’t as scary as everyone has told us. She really did care about each student and would keep working with you until you truly learned the material.  She was a tough teacher but everyone soon respected her as a person.  We all eventually had a close relationship with her.  Because I was on ASB Ms. Running and I had a closer relationship than most students.  We spent a lot more time with each other gathering fun school activities that we can do through out the school year.  The next event that we were going to hold was our Halloween dance.  We spent a lot of time together and she respected me as much as I respected her.  But I soon was able to loose that respect.
    As much as she could help me with my math I still couldn’t understand it.  She assigned the date of the test that was going to be on friday.  I studied all day thursday and when I took the test it felt as if I didn’t study at all.  I eventually turned in the test knowing that I had failed it.  The following monday she gave back our scores.  And sure enough I had a big fat F on my paper.  Ms. Running did her announcement that she does every time after a test. She told us to get our tests signed from one of our parents.  Her rule was everyday you don’t have your test signed you had to stay in her classroom rather than going out to recess.  I didn’t know what do.  My mother and I had made a agreement that if I do well on this test than I can go to the dance.  Going home that day I had a big knot in my stomach.  I didn’t know how I was going to tell my mom.  She was doing to be very disappointed and worst of all not let me go to my first junior high dance.  I went through the whole day with out telling her and finally before I went to bed she asked me how I did on the test.  Nervously I told her that Ms. Running didn’t have time to grade the tests over the weekend so we haven’t gotten the back yet.  She didn’t hesitate to question but said good night and left my room.  I felt a lil relieved that she didn’t found out but yet I still didn’t know what I was going to do.  I grabbed my test and then decided what I was going to do.  I grabbed my black pen and started to forge my mom’s name on my test.  After I was finished I put my test in my backpack and went to bed.
    The next I turned in my test and thought everything was going to be fine.  I went to the dance and had the time of my life.  However the following the day was the day I got caught.  Now Ms. Running didn’t come to me to tell me I was in trouble.  Apparently she saw my mom in the hallway and asked her to come in her classroom.  She showed my mom the test and asked if it was her signature.  My mom said no and that she was so embarrassed from my actions.  I got home that day thinking it was just a normal day, but my mom pulled into her room and asked for me to start explaining myself.  I bursted into tears and told her the truth.  She explained to me how disappointed she was in me.  She wouldn’t have yelled at me for failing a test but instead trying to find a way to get a tutor for me.  I felt disgusted with myself and couldn’t believe I did this to her or Ms. Running.
    I was grounded for a month, but that didn’t really bother me.  I lost my mother trust and Ms. Running.  I felt horrible.  I went up to Ms. Running and apologized.  She accepted it but she told me how much she felt betrayed.  She told I am so much better than that and I should’ve known better.  From then on I wasn’t going to betray my teachers or my mother like that again.  Instead of hiding things from her I will go to her from help.  She is there to talk and turn to and I need to take a hold of that.  And for my teachers they are there to help and if only asked Ms. Running to tutor me then I would have probably done a lot better on my test then trying to figure it all by myself.  People are there to help and I need to learn how to take advantage of that instead of running away and hurting people that are close to me.

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